Geophysics GPR offers a large range of techniques for Seismic Site Classification for building code requirements (V̄s30) and measurement of shear-wave velocities.
In the last 15 years, GPR has developed an unmatched expertise in seismic site classification, covering thousands of different site conditions in all Eastern Canada. With the help of specialized interpretation software, our experts provide fast and reliable v̄s30 results.
The constraints specific to each site, the geological and geotechnical conditions, the project requirements, and geophysical principles on which is based every method of investigation guide the choice of the best technique to use.
The following are our standard techniques for measuring shear-wave velocities:
- Multi-channel Analysis of Surface Waves (MASW)
- Extended Spatial Autocorrelation (ESPAC)
- Higher mode analysis
- Down-hole seismic surveys
- Cross-hole seismic surveys
- Direct shear wave velocity measurements.
For all enquiries regarding v̄S30 measurements or Seismic Site Classification contact us below or call at 450.679.2400, ext. 316