GPR's Hydro-Tisar (Testing & Imaging using Seismic Acoustic Resonance) method is a new technique based on the frequency analysis of seismic records for high resolution seismic investigation. It considers the seismic resonance within the signal. The method was originally developed for geological sub-surface profiling (1 to 15 m deep); however it has been shown to be effective for ranges smaller than 0.1 m for testing of concrete/asphalt structures, as well as for 100 m deep geological investigations.
Typical applications of seismic resonance include:
- Bedrock profiling;
- High-resolution overburden mapping such finding gravel seams in clay tills;
- Mapping fractures and voids in rock.
- Obtaining a profile of the buried rock;
- Profiling the stratigraphy of overburden;
- Identification of sub-horizontal geological contacts;
- The location of thin and deep fractures in the rock.
You can download our Hydro-Tisar leaflet here.
For more information, please contact our Ground Survey Team.